Where can I find help and support?
You can find help and support from the National Domestic Violence Helpline, Women’s Aid and Refuge on this helpline number 0808 2000 247.
You can also download the Bright Sky app onto your mobile device. Bright Sky allows you to record incidents of domestic abuse and has details of support agencies that can help you.
More useful information can be found below:
- nationaldahelpline.org.uk
- womensaid.org.uk
- refuge.org.uk
- victimsupport.org.uk/crime-info/types-crime/domestic-abuse
- gov.uk/guidance/domestic-abuse-how-to-get-help
- citizensadvice.org.uk/family/gender-violence/domestic-violence-and-abuse
- karmanirvana.org.uk (for victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriages)
- survivingeconomicabuse.org
- suzylamplugh.org/stalking-help-and-advice
- Reducing the risk of domestic abuse
Specialist help for male victims
- respect.uk.net (for male victims of domestic abuse and also men that are concerned about their own behaviour)
- mensadviceline.org.uk
Specialist help available for LGBT victims
- stonewall.org.uk/help-advice/criminal-law/domestic-violence
- galop.org.uk/types-of-abuse/domestic-abuse/
- lgbtdap.org.uk
Specialist help available for younger victims
- Call Childline: 0800 1111 If you’re a child or young person and domestic abuse is happening in your home or relationship or childine.org.uk
Specialist help available for older victims
- Call Hour Glass on 0808 808 8141 or wearehourglass.org
Specialist help if you are being stalked