Most of our homes have an electrical supply. All electrical installations require inspection and testing at periodic intervals as they will deteriorate with age, use, accidental damage and any additions or alternations by non-competent persons. As your landlord, we have a legal responsibility to carry out an electrical inspection every five years.
If anything potentially dangerous is found, we will try to fix these issues on the first visit. If we are not able to fix the problems immediately, we will ensure the installation is left in a safe condition and arrange another appointment.
We will inspect the fixed wire electrics in your home at the start of the tenancy and then every five years. The inspections and any necessary repairs will be completed by qualified electricians.
How to keep you and your home safe
We do not usually provide a copy of the electrical safety certificate. If you want one please email compliance@sbhg.co.uk
Visit Electrical Safety First's website for more information
Part of The Guinness Partnership, we have more than 5000 homes, throughout nine boroughs in west London